Humanitarian Donations
In late 2012 we considered becoming a 501c3 as we currently fund all projects on our own, in the research we realized that we would need approx $1400 ($850 just for the application and the annual tax prep fees of 400-500) and those funds are almost enough to pay for half of one of our humanitarian trips.... here is our decision. We have opened our doors, as supporters have requested the ability to donate, and we will now accept donations and will keep a public record of donations (your name can be listed or as anonymous) that you will be able to access here. This record will show that 100% of our donations go directly to our cause we take Zero funds for the administration overhead. We will provide this as an annual publication. What will change with donations---the fact that we will be able to reach more children in more countries than we currently serve, our drive for Threading Hope will stay the same it will just reach further.
Watch as each trip gets funded and we will list our funding goals, with our last 5 years as successes and our quilts and art supplies growing-- our trips are going to keep happening! Our cause is not going away, although you would receive no tax deduction for your donation all donors will recieve thank you cards filled with photos of the individuals you have helped.
Current cost to fully fund a Threading Hope and Highwire project is $3500-$5000 (depending on the location we reach out to). Each time we reach that goal or blow it out of the water we will plan a trip. Now even without fundraising we will always take at least one trip a year to give our quilt donations and art kits to children and families in need.
If you are interested in donating please email us: [email protected] and we can give you a snail mail address to mail a check to, and we can also send you an invoice for Paypal payments through online (we do lose approx 3% fee to paypal for
processing, just so you are aware in the annual spread sheet that is calculated with that fee added back in by dl-couture) There are many ways to donate through funds or supplies, if you have a specific item you would like to cover, say the cost of the supplies fee through the airlines, or donating tickets for the flights, there are many ways let us know your thoughts.
Any donations that reach the total of a trip = $3500 - 5000 will have that trip named in their honor as the sponsor! (or
if anonymous the trip will be named by the donor)